About us

Urbi grew up in Switzerland and has a master's degree in business administration and economics, he has travelled extensively in over 60 countries. He loves to research and has compiled a lot of information about New Zealand and Whangarei to assist with relocation and settlement. Urbi also speaks fluent German, French and Spanish (see his ebook 'Spanish language course for beginners and travellers'), and has published a New Zealand travel guide as well as a beginner's guide to Te Reo for travellers and newcomers, among other ebooks. As a hobby he delevops his own NZ stock photo website.
Wendy originally trained as a management accountant in the UK and has experienced relocation and immigration from all sides by working as a Relocation and Human Resources Manager for a large global pharmaceutical firm, as well as having lived and worked in the UK, India, Switzerland, US & finally New Zealand. With her love of travel and organisational skills Wendy always enjoyed helping others to successfully relocate and settle in Whangarei, a place she believes offers so much. She speaks fluent German, was an early member and first president of WINGS (Whangarei’s international Newcomers Group Social) and helped to incorporate the Whangarei Migrant Centre (now Multicultural Whangarei). Her artistic passion is flax weaving which she also teaches (see her flax weaving website or under 'AllFlax' in Facebook').
Over the past 16 years we have assisted approx 1,000 individuals/families, hopefully with a positive impact in an important phase of their lives.
Our mission:
to provide newcomers and migrants a positive experience when moving into Whangarei
to promote Whangarei as a great place to live with a good quality of life